ApplicationAbstractClass in namespace UnitPhpSdk\Abstract
AccessLogClass in namespace UnitPhpSdk\Config
ApplicationProcessClass in namespace UnitPhpSdk\Config\Application\ProcessManagement
AutomountClass in namespace UnitPhpSdk\Config\Application\ProcessManagement\ProcessIsolation
ApplicationControlInterfaceClass in namespace UnitPhpSdk\Contracts
ApplicationInterfaceClass in namespace UnitPhpSdk\Contracts
ApplicationStatisticsInterfaceClass in namespace UnitPhpSdk\Contracts
ArrayableClass in namespace UnitPhpSdk\Contracts
ApplicationStatisticsClass in namespace UnitPhpSdk\Statistics


CertificateClass in namespace UnitPhpSdk

Certificate class

ConfigClass in namespace UnitPhpSdk

This class contains Nginx Unit config data

CgroupClass in namespace UnitPhpSdk\Config\Application\ProcessManagement\ProcessIsolation
CertificateInterfaceClass in namespace UnitPhpSdk\Contracts
ConfigInterfaceClass in namespace UnitPhpSdk\Contracts
ConnectionsStatisticsInterfaceClass in namespace UnitPhpSdk\Contracts
ConnectionsStatisticsClass in namespace UnitPhpSdk\Statistics


ExternalApplicationAbstractClass in namespace UnitPhpSdk\Abstract


ForwardedClass in namespace UnitPhpSdk\Config\Listener
FileNotFoundExceptionClass in namespace UnitPhpSdk\Exceptions


ApplicationAbstract::getType() — Method in class ApplicationAbstract
ApplicationAbstract::getGroup() — Method in class ApplicationAbstract
ApplicationAbstract::getUser() — Method in class ApplicationAbstract
ApplicationAbstract::getEnvironment() — Method in class ApplicationAbstract
ApplicationAbstract::getIsolation() — Method in class ApplicationAbstract
ApplicationAbstract::getProcesses() — Method in class ApplicationAbstract
ApplicationAbstract::getLimits() — Method in class ApplicationAbstract
ApplicationAbstract::getStdErr() — Method in class ApplicationAbstract
ApplicationAbstract::getStdOut() — Method in class ApplicationAbstract
ApplicationAbstract::getWorkingDirectory() — Method in class ApplicationAbstract
ApplicationAbstract::getName() — Method in class ApplicationAbstract
ExternalApplicationAbstract::getExecutable() — Method in class ExternalApplicationAbstract
ExternalApplicationAbstract::getArguments() — Method in class ExternalApplicationAbstract
IdmapAbstract::getContainer() — Method in class IdmapAbstract

Return container

IdmapAbstract::getHost() — Method in class IdmapAbstract

Return host

IdmapAbstract::getSize() — Method in class IdmapAbstract

Return size

Certificate::getName() — Method in class Certificate

Return certificate name

Certificate::getKey() — Method in class Certificate
Certificate::getChain() — Method in class Certificate
Certificate::getData() — Method in class Certificate

Return all certificate data as array

Config::getListener() — Method in class Config
Config::getListenerByPort() — Method in class Config

Get listener by port

Config::getListeners() — Method in class Config
Config::getApplications() — Method in class Config

Get applications from config

Config::getApplication() — Method in class Config

Get application from config by name

Config::getRoutes() — Method in class Config

Get routes from config

Config::getRoute() — Method in class Config

Get route from config by name

Config::getUpstreams() — Method in class Config

Get upstreams

Config::getAccessLog() — Method in class Config

Return access log if exists

AccessLog::getPath() — Method in class AccessLog
AccessLog::getFormat() — Method in class AccessLog
GoApplicationClass in namespace UnitPhpSdk\Config\Application
JavaApplication::getWebApp() — Method in class JavaApplication
JavaApplication::getClassPath() — Method in class JavaApplication
JavaApplication::getOptions() — Method in class JavaApplication
PerlApplication::getScript() — Method in class PerlApplication
PhpApplication::getRoot() — Method in class PhpApplication
PhpApplication::getIndex() — Method in class PhpApplication
PhpApplication::getScript() — Method in class PhpApplication
PhpApplication::getOptions() — Method in class PhpApplication
ApplicationProcess::getMax() — Method in class ApplicationProcess
ApplicationProcess::getSpare() — Method in class ApplicationProcess
ApplicationProcess::getIdleTimeout() — Method in class ApplicationProcess
ProcessIsolation::getAutomount() — Method in class ProcessIsolation
ProcessIsolation::getCgroup() — Method in class ProcessIsolation
ProcessIsolation::getGidmap() — Method in class ProcessIsolation
ProcessIsolation::getUidmap() — Method in class ProcessIsolation
ProcessIsolation::getRootfs() — Method in class ProcessIsolation

Return rootfs

ProcessIsolation::getNamespaces() — Method in class ProcessIsolation
Automount::getData() — Method in class Automount
Cgroup::getPath() — Method in class Cgroup
GidmapClass in namespace UnitPhpSdk\Config\Application\ProcessManagement\ProcessIsolation
RequestLimit::getRequests() — Method in class RequestLimit
RequestLimit::getTimeout() — Method in class RequestLimit
PythonApplication::getModule() — Method in class PythonApplication
PythonApplication::getCallable() — Method in class PythonApplication
PythonApplication::getHome() — Method in class PythonApplication
PythonApplication::getPath() — Method in class PythonApplication
PythonApplication::getPrefix() — Method in class PythonApplication
PythonApplication::getProtocol() — Method in class PythonApplication
RubyApplication::getScript() — Method in class RubyApplication
RubyApplication::getHooks() — Method in class RubyApplication
PhpTarget::getScript() — Method in class PhpTarget
PhpTarget::getRoot() — Method in class PhpTarget
PythonTarget::getModule() — Method in class PythonTarget
PythonTarget::getCallable() — Method in class PythonTarget
WebAssemblyApplication::getModule() — Method in class WebAssemblyApplication
WebAssemblyApplication::getRequestHandler() — Method in class WebAssemblyApplication
WebAssemblyApplication::getMallocHandler() — Method in class WebAssemblyApplication
WebAssemblyApplication::getFreeHandler() — Method in class WebAssemblyApplication
WebAssemblyApplication::getAccess() — Method in class WebAssemblyApplication
WebAssemblyApplication::getModuleEndHandler() — Method in class WebAssemblyApplication
WebAssemblyApplication::getModuleInitHandler() — Method in class WebAssemblyApplication
WebAssemblyApplication::getRequestInitHandler() — Method in class WebAssemblyApplication
WebAssemblyApplication::getRequestEndHandler() — Method in class WebAssemblyApplication
WebAssemblyApplication::getResponseEndHandler() — Method in class WebAssemblyApplication
Listener::getLink() — Method in class Listener

Get link

Listener::getPort() — Method in class Listener

Get port

Listener::getForwarded() — Method in class Listener

Get forwarded

Listener::getPass() — Method in class Listener

Get pass

Listener::getTls() — Method in class Listener

Get tls section

Listener::getListener() — Method in class Listener

Get listener

Forwarded::getSource() — Method in class Forwarded
Forwarded::getProtocol() — Method in class Forwarded
Forwarded::getClientIp() — Method in class Forwarded
ListenerPass::getType() — Method in class ListenerPass

Return pass type (application, routes, route, upstreams)

Tls::getCertificate() — Method in class Tls
Tls::getSession() — Method in class Tls
Tls::getConfCommands() — Method in class Tls
Route::getName() — Method in class Route
Route::getRouteBlocks() — Method in class Route
RouteAction::getReturn() — Method in class RouteAction

Receive return key

RouteAction::getPass() — Method in class RouteAction
RouteAction::getProxy() — Method in class RouteAction
RouteAction::getLocation() — Method in class RouteAction
RouteAction::getRewrite() — Method in class RouteAction
RouteAction::getShare() — Method in class RouteAction
RouteAction::getIndex() — Method in class RouteAction
RouteAction::getChroot() — Method in class RouteAction
RouteAction::getTypes() — Method in class RouteAction
RouteAction::getFallback() — Method in class RouteAction
RouteBlock::getMatch() — Method in class RouteBlock

Get match

RouteBlock::getAction() — Method in class RouteBlock

Get action

RouteMatch::getMethod() — Method in class RouteMatch

Get method

RouteMatch::getUri() — Method in class RouteMatch

Get uri

RouteMatch::getScheme() — Method in class RouteMatch

Get http scheme

RouteMatch::getArguments() — Method in class RouteMatch
RouteMatch::getCookies() — Method in class RouteMatch
RouteMatch::getDestination() — Method in class RouteMatch
RouteMatch::getHeaders() — Method in class RouteMatch
RouteMatch::getHost() — Method in class RouteMatch
RouteMatch::getQuery() — Method in class RouteMatch
RouteMatch::getSource() — Method in class RouteMatch
Settings::getJsmodules() — Method in class Settings
Upstream::getName() — Method in class Upstream
Upstream::getServers() — Method in class Upstream
ApplicationInterface::getType() — Method in class ApplicationInterface
ApplicationInterface::getEnvironment() — Method in class ApplicationInterface
ApplicationInterface::getGroup() — Method in class ApplicationInterface
ApplicationInterface::getUser() — Method in class ApplicationInterface
ApplicationInterface::getIsolation() — Method in class ApplicationInterface
ApplicationInterface::getLimits() — Method in class ApplicationInterface
ApplicationInterface::getProcesses() — Method in class ApplicationInterface
ApplicationInterface::getStdErr() — Method in class ApplicationInterface
ApplicationInterface::getStdOut() — Method in class ApplicationInterface
ApplicationInterface::getWorkingDirectory() — Method in class ApplicationInterface
ApplicationStatisticsInterface::getRequests() — Method in class ApplicationStatisticsInterface

Get array of all application requests

ApplicationStatisticsInterface::getActiveRequests() — Method in class ApplicationStatisticsInterface

Get count of all application active requests

ApplicationStatisticsInterface::getProcesses() — Method in class ApplicationStatisticsInterface

Return all statistics by processes

ApplicationStatisticsInterface::getStartingProcesses() — Method in class ApplicationStatisticsInterface

Get count of starting application processes

ApplicationStatisticsInterface::getRunningProcesses() — Method in class ApplicationStatisticsInterface

Get count of running application processes

ApplicationStatisticsInterface::getIdleProcesses() — Method in class ApplicationStatisticsInterface

Get count of idle application processes

CertificateInterface::getKey() — Method in class CertificateInterface

Return certificate key

CertificateInterface::getChain() — Method in class CertificateInterface

Return certificate chain

ConfigInterface::getListeners() — Method in class ConfigInterface

Get all listeners

ConfigInterface::getListenerByPort() — Method in class ConfigInterface

TODO: rename to getListenerByPort() and add validation (should be parse)

ConfigInterface::getRoutes() — Method in class ConfigInterface
ConfigInterface::getRoute() — Method in class ConfigInterface
ConfigInterface::getApplications() — Method in class ConfigInterface
ConfigInterface::getApplication() — Method in class ConfigInterface
ConfigInterface::getUpstreams() — Method in class ConfigInterface

Get all upstreams

ConfigInterface::getAccessLog() — Method in class ConfigInterface

Return access log if exists

ConnectionsStatisticsInterface::getIdleConnections() — Method in class ConnectionsStatisticsInterface

Get count of idle connection

ConnectionsStatisticsInterface::getActiveConnections() — Method in class ConnectionsStatisticsInterface

Get count of active connections

ConnectionsStatisticsInterface::getAcceptedConnections() — Method in class ConnectionsStatisticsInterface

Get count of accepted connections

ConnectionsStatisticsInterface::getClosedConnections() — Method in class ConnectionsStatisticsInterface

Get count of closed connections

RequestsStatisticsInterface::getTotalRequests() — Method in class RequestsStatisticsInterface

Return total requests statistics

RouteInterface::getName() — Method in class RouteInterface

Get route name

RouteInterface::getRouteBlocks() — Method in class RouteInterface

Get route blocks

StatisticsInterface::getConnections() — Method in class StatisticsInterface

Get connections

StatisticsInterface::getRequests() — Method in class StatisticsInterface

Get requests

StatisticsInterface::getApplications() — Method in class StatisticsInterface

Get an applications

StatisticsInterface::getApplicationStatistics() — Method in class StatisticsInterface

Get application statistics

UnitInterface::getSocket() — Method in class UnitInterface

Return Unit socket

UnitInterface::getAddress() — Method in class UnitInterface

Return Unit address

UnitInterface::getStatistics() — Method in class UnitInterface

Return Usage Statistics from Unit

UnitInterface::getCertificates() — Method in class UnitInterface

Return array of certificates uploaded on Unit

UnitInterface::getCertificate() — Method in class UnitInterface

Return Certificate object

UnitInterface::getConfig() — Method in class UnitInterface

Return full config uploaded on Nginx Unit

UpstreamInterface::getName() — Method in class UpstreamInterface
UpstreamInterface::getServers() — Method in class UpstreamInterface
ApplicationStatistics::getRequests() — Method in class ApplicationStatistics
ApplicationStatistics::getActiveRequests() — Method in class ApplicationStatistics
ApplicationStatistics::getProcesses() — Method in class ApplicationStatistics
ApplicationStatistics::getStartingProcesses() — Method in class ApplicationStatistics
ApplicationStatistics::getRunningProcesses() — Method in class ApplicationStatistics
ApplicationStatistics::getIdleProcesses() — Method in class ApplicationStatistics
ConnectionsStatistics::getIdleConnections() — Method in class ConnectionsStatistics
ConnectionsStatistics::getActiveConnections() — Method in class ConnectionsStatistics
ConnectionsStatistics::getAcceptedConnections() — Method in class ConnectionsStatistics
ConnectionsStatistics::getClosedConnections() — Method in class ConnectionsStatistics
RequestsStatistics::getTotalRequests() — Method in class RequestsStatistics
Statistics::getConnections() — Method in class Statistics
Statistics::getRequests() — Method in class Statistics
Statistics::getApplications() — Method in class Statistics
Statistics::getApplicationStatistics() — Method in class Statistics
HasListeners::getListeners() — Method in class HasListeners

Get listeners linked to object;

HasTargets::getTargets() — Method in class HasTargets
HasThreadStackSize::getThreadStackSize() — Method in class HasThreadStackSize
HasThreads::getThreads() — Method in class HasThreads
Unit::getConfig() — Method in class Unit
Unit::getCertificates() — Method in class Unit
Unit::getSocket() — Method in class Unit
Unit::getAddress() — Method in class Unit
Unit::getStatistics() — Method in class Unit
Unit::getCertificate() — Method in class Unit


HttpClass in namespace UnitPhpSdk\Config\Settings
HasListenersClass in namespace UnitPhpSdk\Traits
HasListeners::hasListeners() — Method in class HasListeners

Check if listeners are empty or not

HasTargetsClass in namespace UnitPhpSdk\Traits
HasThreadStackSizeClass in namespace UnitPhpSdk\Traits
HasThreadsClass in namespace UnitPhpSdk\Traits


IdmapAbstractClass in namespace UnitPhpSdk\Abstract
Namespaces::isCgroup() — Method in class Namespaces
Namespaces::isCredential() — Method in class Namespaces
Namespaces::isMount() — Method in class Namespaces
Namespaces::isNetwork() — Method in class Namespaces
Namespaces::isPid() — Method in class Namespaces
Namespaces::isUname() — Method in class Namespaces
Forwarded::isRecursive() — Method in class Forwarded
RouteAction::isFollowSymlinks() — Method in class RouteAction
RouteAction::isTraverseMounts() — Method in class RouteAction


JavaApplicationClass in namespace UnitPhpSdk\Config\Application


Config::loadListeners() — Method in class Config

Fill data if listeners key exists

Config::loadApplications() — Method in class Config

Fill data if applications key exists

Config::loadRoutes() — Method in class Config

Fill data if routes key exists

Config::loadUpstreams() — Method in class Config

Fill data if upstreams key exists

ListenerClass in namespace UnitPhpSdk\Config

This class presents "listeners" section from config

ListenerPassClass in namespace UnitPhpSdk\Config\Listener


NodeJsApplicationClass in namespace UnitPhpSdk\Config\Application
NamespacesClass in namespace UnitPhpSdk\Config\Application\ProcessManagement\ProcessIsolation


ApplicationAbstract::parseFromArray() — Method in class ApplicationAbstract

Parse data from array

ExternalApplicationAbstract::parseFromArray() — Method in class ExternalApplicationAbstract

Parse data from array

IdmapAbstract::parseFromArray() — Method in class IdmapAbstract
JavaApplication::parseFromArray() — Method in class JavaApplication
PerlApplicationClass in namespace UnitPhpSdk\Config\Application
PerlApplication::parseFromArray() — Method in class PerlApplication
PhpApplicationClass in namespace UnitPhpSdk\Config\Application
PhpApplication::parseFromArray() — Method in class PhpApplication
ProcessIsolationClass in namespace UnitPhpSdk\Config\Application\ProcessManagement
ProcessIsolation::parseFromArray() — Method in class ProcessIsolation
PythonApplicationClass in namespace UnitPhpSdk\Config\Application
PythonApplication::parseFromArray() — Method in class PythonApplication
RubyApplication::parseFromArray() — Method in class RubyApplication
PhpTargetClass in namespace UnitPhpSdk\Config\Application\Targets
PythonTargetClass in namespace UnitPhpSdk\Config\Application\Targets
WebAssemblyApplication::parseFromArray() — Method in class WebAssemblyApplication
Listener::parseFromArray() — Method in class Listener

Parse data from array

RouteAction::parseFromArray() — Method in class RouteAction
RouteMatch::parseFromArray() — Method in class RouteMatch


ApplicationAbstract::restartApplication() — Method in class ApplicationAbstract
Config::removeListener() — Method in class Config

Remove listener

Config::removeApplication() — Method in class Config

Remove application from Nginx Unit.

Config::removeRoutes() — Method in class Config
Config::removeRoute() — Method in class Config
Config::removeAccessLog() — Method in class Config

Remove access log

RequestLimitClass in namespace UnitPhpSdk\Config\Application\ProcessManagement
RubyApplicationClass in namespace UnitPhpSdk\Config\Application
RouteClass in namespace UnitPhpSdk\Config

This class presents "routes" section from config

RouteActionClass in namespace UnitPhpSdk\Config\Routes
RouteBlockClass in namespace UnitPhpSdk\Config\Routes
RouteMatchClass in namespace UnitPhpSdk\Config\Routes
ApplicationControlInterface::restartApplication() — Method in class ApplicationControlInterface

Restart an application

ConfigInterface::removeListener() — Method in class ConfigInterface
ConfigInterface::removeRoutes() — Method in class ConfigInterface

Remove all routes and linked listeners

ConfigInterface::removeRoute() — Method in class ConfigInterface
ConfigInterface::removeApplication() — Method in class ConfigInterface
ConfigInterface::removeAccessLog() — Method in class ConfigInterface

Remove access log

RequestsStatisticsInterfaceClass in namespace UnitPhpSdk\Contracts
RouteInterfaceClass in namespace UnitPhpSdk\Contracts
UnitInterface::removeCertificate() — Method in class UnitInterface

Remove certificate on Unit server

UnitInterface::removeConfig() — Method in class UnitInterface

Remove all data from config

RequiredKeyExceptionClass in namespace UnitPhpSdk\Exceptions
RequestsStatisticsClass in namespace UnitPhpSdk\Statistics
Unit::removeCertificate() — Method in class Unit
Unit::removeConfig() — Method in class Unit


ApplicationAbstract::setUnitRequest() — Method in class ApplicationAbstract
ApplicationAbstract::setGroup() — Method in class ApplicationAbstract
ApplicationAbstract::setUser() — Method in class ApplicationAbstract
ApplicationAbstract::setEnvironment() — Method in class ApplicationAbstract
ApplicationAbstract::setIsolation() — Method in class ApplicationAbstract
ApplicationAbstract::setProcesses() — Method in class ApplicationAbstract
ApplicationAbstract::setLimits() — Method in class ApplicationAbstract
ApplicationAbstract::setStdErr() — Method in class ApplicationAbstract
ApplicationAbstract::setStdOut() — Method in class ApplicationAbstract
ApplicationAbstract::setWorkingDirectory() — Method in class ApplicationAbstract
ApplicationAbstract::setName() — Method in class ApplicationAbstract
ExternalApplicationAbstract::setExecutable() — Method in class ExternalApplicationAbstract
ExternalApplicationAbstract::setArguments() — Method in class ExternalApplicationAbstract
IdmapAbstract::setContainer() — Method in class IdmapAbstract
IdmapAbstract::setSize() — Method in class IdmapAbstract
IdmapAbstract::setHost() — Method in class IdmapAbstract
Config::setAccessLog() — Method in class Config
AccessLog::setPath() — Method in class AccessLog
AccessLog::setFormat() — Method in class AccessLog
JavaApplication::setWebApp() — Method in class JavaApplication
JavaApplication::setClassPath() — Method in class JavaApplication
JavaApplication::setOptions() — Method in class JavaApplication
PerlApplication::setScript() — Method in class PerlApplication
PhpApplication::setRoot() — Method in class PhpApplication
PhpApplication::setIndex() — Method in class PhpApplication
PhpApplication::setScript() — Method in class PhpApplication
PhpApplication::setOptions() — Method in class PhpApplication
ApplicationProcess::setMax() — Method in class ApplicationProcess
ApplicationProcess::setSpare() — Method in class ApplicationProcess
ApplicationProcess::setIdleTimeout() — Method in class ApplicationProcess
ProcessIsolation::setAutomount() — Method in class ProcessIsolation
ProcessIsolation::setCgroup() — Method in class ProcessIsolation
ProcessIsolation::setGidmap() — Method in class ProcessIsolation
ProcessIsolation::setUidmap() — Method in class ProcessIsolation
ProcessIsolation::setRootfs() — Method in class ProcessIsolation

Set rootfs

ProcessIsolation::setNamespaces() — Method in class ProcessIsolation
Cgroup::setPath() — Method in class Cgroup
Namespaces::setUname() — Method in class Namespaces
Namespaces::setPid() — Method in class Namespaces
Namespaces::setNetwork() — Method in class Namespaces
Namespaces::setMount() — Method in class Namespaces
Namespaces::setCredential() — Method in class Namespaces
Namespaces::setCgroup() — Method in class Namespaces
RequestLimit::setRequests() — Method in class RequestLimit
RequestLimit::setTimeout() — Method in class RequestLimit
PythonApplication::setModule() — Method in class PythonApplication
PythonApplication::setCallable() — Method in class PythonApplication
PythonApplication::setHome() — Method in class PythonApplication
PythonApplication::setPath() — Method in class PythonApplication
PythonApplication::setPrefix() — Method in class PythonApplication
PythonApplication::setProtocol() — Method in class PythonApplication
RubyApplication::setScript() — Method in class RubyApplication
RubyApplication::setHooks() — Method in class RubyApplication
PhpTarget::setScript() — Method in class PhpTarget
PhpTarget::setRoot() — Method in class PhpTarget
PythonTarget::setModule() — Method in class PythonTarget
PythonTarget::setCallable() — Method in class PythonTarget
WebAssemblyApplication::setModule() — Method in class WebAssemblyApplication
WebAssemblyApplication::setRequestHandler() — Method in class WebAssemblyApplication
WebAssemblyApplication::setMallocHandler() — Method in class WebAssemblyApplication
WebAssemblyApplication::setFreeHandler() — Method in class WebAssemblyApplication
WebAssemblyApplication::setAccess() — Method in class WebAssemblyApplication
WebAssemblyApplication::setModuleInitHandler() — Method in class WebAssemblyApplication
WebAssemblyApplication::setModuleEndHandler() — Method in class WebAssemblyApplication
WebAssemblyApplication::setRequestInitHandler() — Method in class WebAssemblyApplication
WebAssemblyApplication::setRequestEndHandler() — Method in class WebAssemblyApplication
WebAssemblyApplication::setResponseEndHandler() — Method in class WebAssemblyApplication
Listener::setTls() — Method in class Listener
Listener::setForwarded() — Method in class Listener
Forwarded::setSource() — Method in class Forwarded
Forwarded::setProtocol() — Method in class Forwarded
Forwarded::setClientIp() — Method in class Forwarded
Forwarded::setRecursive() — Method in class Forwarded
Tls::setCertificate() — Method in class Tls
Tls::setSession() — Method in class Tls
Tls::setConfCommands() — Method in class Tls
Route::setRouteBlocks() — Method in class Route
RouteAction::setReturn() — Method in class RouteAction

Set return key

RouteAction::setPass() — Method in class RouteAction
RouteAction::setProxy() — Method in class RouteAction
RouteAction::setLocation() — Method in class RouteAction
RouteAction::setRewrite() — Method in class RouteAction
RouteAction::setShare() — Method in class RouteAction
RouteAction::setIndex() — Method in class RouteAction
RouteAction::setChroot() — Method in class RouteAction
RouteAction::setTypes() — Method in class RouteAction
RouteAction::setFallback() — Method in class RouteAction
RouteAction::setFollowSymlinks() — Method in class RouteAction
RouteAction::setTraverseMounts() — Method in class RouteAction
RouteBlock::setMatch() — Method in class RouteBlock
RouteBlock::setAction() — Method in class RouteBlock
RouteMatch::setMethod() — Method in class RouteMatch
RouteMatch::setScheme() — Method in class RouteMatch

Set HTTP scheme

RouteMatch::setArguments() — Method in class RouteMatch
RouteMatch::setCookies() — Method in class RouteMatch
RouteMatch::setDestination() — Method in class RouteMatch
RouteMatch::setHeaders() — Method in class RouteMatch
RouteMatch::setHost() — Method in class RouteMatch
RouteMatch::setQuery() — Method in class RouteMatch
RouteMatch::setSource() — Method in class RouteMatch
RouteMatch::setUri() — Method in class RouteMatch
SettingsClass in namespace UnitPhpSdk\Config
Settings::setJsmodules() — Method in class Settings
Upstream::setServer() — Method in class Upstream
ApplicationInterface::setEnvironment() — Method in class ApplicationInterface
ApplicationInterface::setGroup() — Method in class ApplicationInterface
ApplicationInterface::setUser() — Method in class ApplicationInterface
ApplicationInterface::setIsolation() — Method in class ApplicationInterface
ApplicationInterface::setLimits() — Method in class ApplicationInterface
ApplicationInterface::setProcesses() — Method in class ApplicationInterface
ApplicationInterface::setStdErr() — Method in class ApplicationInterface
ApplicationInterface::setStdOut() — Method in class ApplicationInterface
ApplicationInterface::setWorkingDirectory() — Method in class ApplicationInterface
ConfigInterface::setAccessLog() — Method in class ConfigInterface

Setup access log file

StatisticsInterfaceClass in namespace UnitPhpSdk\Contracts
UnitRequest::setMethod() — Method in class UnitRequest

Set HTTP method

UnitRequest::setData() — Method in class UnitRequest

Setup data

UnitRequest::send() — Method in class UnitRequest

Send request

StatisticsClass in namespace UnitPhpSdk\Statistics

This class returns statistics from Nginx Unit

HasListeners::setListener() — Method in class HasListeners

Setup new listener

HasTargets::setTargets() — Method in class HasTargets
HasThreadStackSize::setThreadStackSize() — Method in class HasThreadStackSize
HasThreads::setThreads() — Method in class HasThreads


ApplicationAbstract::toArray() — Method in class ApplicationAbstract

Get the instance as an array.

ApplicationAbstract::toJson() — Method in class ApplicationAbstract
ExternalApplicationAbstract::toArray() — Method in class ExternalApplicationAbstract
IdmapAbstract::toArray() — Method in class IdmapAbstract
Config::toArray() — Method in class Config

Return config as array

JavaApplication::toArray() — Method in class JavaApplication

Get the instance as an array.

PerlApplication::toArray() — Method in class PerlApplication

Get the instance as an array.

PhpApplication::toArray() — Method in class PhpApplication

Get the instance as an array.

ApplicationProcess::toArray() — Method in class ApplicationProcess
ProcessIsolation::toArray() — Method in class ProcessIsolation
Cgroup::toArray() — Method in class Cgroup
Namespaces::toArray() — Method in class Namespaces

Get the instance as an array.

RequestLimit::toArray() — Method in class RequestLimit

Get the instance as an array.

PythonApplication::toArray() — Method in class PythonApplication

Get the instance as an array.

WebAssemblyApplication::toArray() — Method in class WebAssemblyApplication

Get the instance as an array.

Listener::toArray() — Method in class Listener

Return listener as array

Listener::toJson() — Method in class Listener

Return Listener as JSON

Forwarded::toArray() — Method in class Forwarded
Forwarded::toJson() — Method in class Forwarded
ListenerPass::toString() — Method in class ListenerPass

Return pass as string

ListenerPass::toArray() — Method in class ListenerPass

Return pass as array

TlsClass in namespace UnitPhpSdk\Config\Listener
Tls::toArray() — Method in class Tls
Tls::toJson() — Method in class Tls
Route::toArray() — Method in class Route

Get the instance as an array.

Route::toJson() — Method in class Route
RouteAction::toArray() — Method in class RouteAction
RouteBlock::toArray() — Method in class RouteBlock

Get the instance as an array.

RouteMatch::toArray() — Method in class RouteMatch
Upstream::toArray() — Method in class Upstream
Upstream::toJson() — Method in class Upstream
Arrayable::toArray() — Method in class Arrayable

Get the instance as an array.

ConfigInterface::toArray() — Method in class ConfigInterface
ApplicationStatistics::toArray() — Method in class ApplicationStatistics
ConnectionsStatistics::toArray() — Method in class ConnectionsStatistics
RequestsStatistics::toArray() — Method in class RequestsStatistics


Config::uploadListener() — Method in class Config
Config::uploadListenerFromFile() — Method in class Config
Config::uploadApplication() — Method in class Config

Upload application to Nginx Unit

Config::uploadApplicationFromFile() — Method in class Config
Config::uploadUpstream() — Method in class Config
Config::uploadUpstreamsFromFile() — Method in class Config

Upload all upstreams from file to Nginx Unit

UidmapClass in namespace UnitPhpSdk\Config\Application\ProcessManagement\ProcessIsolation
UpstreamClass in namespace UnitPhpSdk\Config
ConfigInterface::uploadListener() — Method in class ConfigInterface

Upload Listener object to Nginx Unit server

ConfigInterface::uploadListenerFromFile() — Method in class ConfigInterface

Upload configuration from file

ConfigInterface::uploadApplication() — Method in class ConfigInterface

Upload application to Nginx Unit

ConfigInterface::uploadApplicationFromFile() — Method in class ConfigInterface

Upload application to Nginx Unit from file

ConfigInterface::uploadUpstream() — Method in class ConfigInterface

Upload Upstream object to nginx Unit

ConfigInterface::uploadUpstreamsFromFile() — Method in class ConfigInterface

Upload all upstreams from file to Nginx Unit

UnitInterfaceClass in namespace UnitPhpSdk\Contracts
UnitInterface::uploadCertificate() — Method in class UnitInterface

Upload certificate to Unit server

UnitInterface::uploadConfigFromFile() — Method in class UnitInterface

Upload full file config

UpstreamInterfaceClass in namespace UnitPhpSdk\Contracts
UnitExceptionClass in namespace UnitPhpSdk\Exceptions

Custom exception

UnitRequestClass in namespace UnitPhpSdk\Http

Base class for requests

UnitClass in namespace UnitPhpSdk

This is main class of Nginx Unit manipulation

Unit::uploadCertificate() — Method in class Unit
Unit::uploadConfigFromFile() — Method in class Unit


WebAssemblyApplicationClass in namespace UnitPhpSdk\Config\Application


$ ApplicationAbstract#_typeProperty in class ApplicationAbstract

Application type

$ ApplicationAbstract#_groupProperty in class ApplicationAbstract

Group name that runs the app process

$ ApplicationAbstract#_userProperty in class ApplicationAbstract

Username that runs the app process

ApplicationAbstract::__construct() — Method in class ApplicationAbstract
$ ExternalApplicationAbstract#_typeProperty in class ExternalApplicationAbstract
IdmapAbstract::__construct() — Method in class IdmapAbstract
Certificate::__construct() — Method in class Certificate
Config::__construct() — Method in class Config
AccessLog::__construct() — Method in class AccessLog
$ JavaApplication#_typeProperty in class JavaApplication
$ PerlApplication#_typeProperty in class PerlApplication
$ PhpApplication#_typeProperty in class PhpApplication
ApplicationProcess::__construct() — Method in class ApplicationProcess
ProcessIsolation::__construct() — Method in class ProcessIsolation
Automount::__construct() — Method in class Automount
Cgroup::__construct() — Method in class Cgroup
Namespaces::__construct() — Method in class Namespaces
RequestLimit::__construct() — Method in class RequestLimit
$ PythonApplication#_typeProperty in class PythonApplication
PhpTarget::__construct() — Method in class PhpTarget
PythonTarget::__construct() — Method in class PythonTarget
$ WebAssemblyApplication#_typeProperty in class WebAssemblyApplication
Listener::__construct() — Method in class Listener
Forwarded::__construct() — Method in class Forwarded
ListenerPass::__construct() — Method in class ListenerPass
Tls::__construct() — Method in class Tls
Route::__construct() — Method in class Route
$ RouteAction#_follow_symlinksProperty in class RouteAction
$ RouteAction#_traverse_mountsProperty in class RouteAction
RouteAction::__construct() — Method in class RouteAction
RouteBlock::__construct() — Method in class RouteBlock
RouteMatch::__construct() — Method in class RouteMatch
Upstream::__construct() — Method in class Upstream
FileNotFoundException::__construct() — Method in class FileNotFoundException
RequiredKeyException::__construct() — Method in class RequiredKeyException
UnitRequest::__construct() — Method in class UnitRequest
ApplicationStatistics::__construct() — Method in class ApplicationStatistics
ConnectionsStatistics::__construct() — Method in class ConnectionsStatistics
RequestsStatistics::__construct() — Method in class RequestsStatistics
Statistics::__construct() — Method in class Statistics
Unit::__construct() — Method in class Unit